Advancing science by promoting mentoring and inclusion

Create an environment where the exchange of ideas flows freely, and without judgement

Long-term mentorships between AMIE mentees and established AMIE mentors

AMIE’s Mission

Address gender, race and socioeconomic-based gaps in the economics profession through mentorship, resource provisioning, and a network focused on inclusion.
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AMIE’s Approach

AMIE’s priorities will be demand driven and determined by surveys of Ph.D. students and recent graduates in the economic profession
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AMIE’s Values

  • Respect: Celebrate diversity in thought and background
  • Equality: Promote equal access to information and opportunities, decreasing...
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AMIE’s Core Functions

  • One-to-one mentorship
  • Equal access to opportunities
  • Professional capability building
  • Research and thought leadership
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Our Partners

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