Acknowledging potential challenges and gaps that may be unique to PhD students from underrepresented minorities (URM), LGBTQIA++ community (broadly defined), first-generation college students, or from nationalities outside of the US, the RESEARCH & EVALUATION arm of AMIE will undertake the following activities:

  • Provide opportunities to present work and receive high quality feedback from senior economists in the profession. Our first event is being held in March 2021. Events like this will be scaled up, and will be held at least annually through open calls for papers
  • Conduct surveys to identify gaps in the professional development of PhD students and junior scholars in economics
  • Provide scholarships to fund conference travel and offer funding for small pilot projects
  • Help PhD students and junior scholars establish research collaborations with individual researchers, as well as organizations, through match-making and other events
  • Conduct evaluations of AMIE's programs. Before we do any evaluations, appropriate ethical approvals will be obtained, including the consent of any participants. Evaluations will not begin until 2022.

Please get in touch with us to learn about ways in which you can partner. Individual researchers (both academic and non-academic) as well as research organizations and universities are welcome! Contact us here, or email us at

Research & Evaluation Coordinators for 2024-25 are Ana Paula Melo, Catherine Michaud-Leclerc, Priya Mukherjee

