Aika Aku is an Agricultural Economist at the College of Economics & Business Studies (CoEBS), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania with vast experience in teaching, research & consultancy. Her area of interest is on crops value chain, rural urban livelihoods, poverty & gender dynamics. Earlier in her carrier she worked as a research assistant in different research organisations such as Agricultural Policy Research in Tanzania (APRA), Innovation for Poverty Action (IPA), World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC), MSU & IFPRI to mention a few. In recent years she was involved in the coordination of an Agricultural Programme for Policy Prioritization through Value Chain Analysis (PPVC) in Tanzania. The project focus is on the sunflower value chain where the study is tracking results on policy reforms & public & private sector responses. Ms. Aku has also worked on & conducted research in value chain development for rice, cashew nuts, & beef.