Born January 3, 1990 in COVE (BENIN), Christ Arsène OUINSOU obtained his Baccalaureate Series D at the 19 old in Benin. After obtaining the degree in Economics option Project Analysis in 2012 at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Abomey Calavi, he received a scholarship from the European Union to do the master 1 and the Master 2 in Economics option Industrial Economics at the University of Yaoundé 2 in Cameroon. On his return to Benin in 2018, he obtained a doctoral thesis registration at the same university where he obtained the license. Currently, he is in his third year of thesis. Following this Master 2 dissertation work, her doctoral thesis focused on "Innovations and structural transformation of the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa". He is therefore passionate about innovation. In addition, Christ Arsène OUINSOU is also a comedian.