Pandey, Shinjini

The Ohio State University

I am a doctoral candidate in the Department of Agricultural, Environment, & Development Economics at the Ohio State University. As an applied microeconomist, my research focuses on topics of public safety, nutrition & health, & gender equality. My work on policing & public safety in the United States investigates disparities in police response using machine learning & econometric analysis of police administrative data. My job market paper investigates racial bias in 911 dispatch decisions & its implications for the quality of police response received. I am also evaluating the effectiveness of alternative police response, such as mental health training & police co-response with social workers, in improving call outcomes for behavioral health crises. Another strand of my research in the field of development centers on women’s welfare outcomes & has involved assessing the impact of a food targeting reform, self-help-group participation, & behavior change communication interventions on women’s nutrition & empowerment outcomes in India.
