Stephen L Ross

Stephen L Ross

University of Connecticut

Stephen L Ross, Syracuse University (PhD 1984), is a professor of Economics at the University of Connecticut and a Research Associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research Education Program. His research focuses on the experiences of disadvantaged groups, especially African-Americans, in U.S. cities including studying peer effects and social interactions, neighborhood effects, residential and school segregation, housing and mortgage lending discrimination, urban labor markets, primary and secondary education and racial profiling. His work has been published in Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, American Economic Journals: Economic Policy and Applied Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Social Problems, Social Science Research and Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, as well as his book Color of Credit by MIT Press. His work has been funded by the Institute for Education Sciences, National Institute for Child Health and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Ford, MacArthur, WT Grant and FannieMae Foundations. He has been appointed to Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (University of Chicago), Penn Institute for Urban Research (University of Pennsylvania) and Center for Financial Security (University of Wisconsin-Madison). He is a Co-editor for Regional Science and Urban Economics and Education Finance and Policy and serves on editorial boards of American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and many journals within urban economics. He has consulted for National Resource Council (National Academy of Science), Urban Institute, National Consumer Law Center, New York State Attorney General, FannieMae, Abt Associates, and K&L Gates.
